
Bump Day at Indy?

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Anybody know what the highlights were of bumb day? I forgot to watch it.




  1. Bump, bump, bump, it was a three way battle right down to the end. Yasakawa, Dominguez, and Lazier put on quite a show. I also had to feel for A.J. the 4th. He raced himself into the race and then while practicing later in the day his fuel cap flew off and he crashed hard into the wall and got slight burns on the back of his neck. He will still be able to race, but his car will be repaired and he'll only get a bit of practice on carb day to see if it still handles the same.

  2. Bump Day, this year, was mor exciting than the past few years as there was a flurry of cars scrambling to make the show. Buddy lazier made it by having a lot of the downforce taken out of his car to get the speed he needed. Even being a veteran, I thought he might lose it as Mario Domigues did on his final attempt. Mario hoad  trimmed his car way out and crashed after he failed to make the speed in a previous attempt. Hew was the final car. Roger Yasukawa tried a couple times, uncsuccessfully, to get back in after he was bumped.

  3. The last hour was exciting. I thought Marty was going to be bumped out till the guy wrecked.

  4. I fell asleep. I thought it was really slow.
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