
Bump in front of tongue piercing?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my tongue pierced for over two years now and never had a problem with it. This past week a bump has formed in front of my barbell on the top of my tongue. It's so uncomfortable that I've taken my barbell out, and I'm wondering why this happened and how I can fix it.




  1. It sounds to me like an infection.

    Whatever you do don't put the piercing in until it heals a bit.

    Stay away from the food they told you to when you got it pierced.

  2. Uh oh! It may be an infection! Be more wary of what you eat these few days. Try to lay off anything too hot,heaty or spicy. The human mouth is full of bacteria and an open wound may lead to an infection.

  3. Show your piercer what's going on.

    If you've just recently changed your jewelry, you may have had a reaction to the material.

    If you've been playing with the piercing more than usual (which you shouldn't play with it at all) or if you've injured the piercing by biting it or getting it caught on something then you may have formed the bump because your body was trying to heal.

    It's remotely possible that something irritating like food got into your piercing and your tongue formed that knot to isolate and get rid of the irritant.

    If the bump gets worse, gets sore, oozes anything, smells, or does anything else alarming or unattractive you need to see your doctor ASAP! Tongue piercing infections are nothing to fool with, so if it starts seeming sickly, go to the doctor.

    If you want to keep your piercing, get yourself to a knowledgable piercer and have them help you sort out what probably happened and what to do about it. Go soon though, tongues can close up very quickly.  

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