
Bump on inner thigh any suggestions

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I have had this bump for over a week and half now. I have been popping it and getting white pus out of it. It is not going away, it seems to really be getting worse? Any suggestions, I have been putting peroxide on it and and other stuff on it. The bump is red and warm to the touch.

Today there is not really anything coming out of it but it still hurts and everything. Any suggestions on what i can do or should do.

Any suggestions on what it might be or what else to put on it




  1. Go to the dr. It probably isnt serious, but it may not go away on its own, but maybe ur dr. can give u medicine, or remove it worst case scenario

  2. It sounds like a sebaceous cyst. Heat pads should help. I have one near my ear and usually have to get antibiotics to make the swelling go down. Once they become infected they usually reoccur. A dermatologist can excise it once the infection is gone.

    Google "sebaceous cyst" for more info...

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