
Bump on my eye?

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So, my eye started out being irritated by me wearing my contacts everyday because my eye doctor told me I naturally have a dry eye. So my eye was red and I stopped wearing my contacts. It's going on 2 weeks now and my eye is still red and now it's developing a little hard bump on my eye right next to my iris. I am going to the optometrist on Monday but in the mean while, I just wanted to know if anyone knows what this is. So any suggestions, please let me know.




  1. You might have a corneal ulcer.  It actually sounds a lot like one to me, from what you are describing.  A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea.  It  often is followed by infection.  The ulcer usually is first the result of a foreign body striking the eye or of scratching of the cornea.  It then becomes infected, usually by bacteria, viruses or fungi.  The most common form of bacteria is 'Herpes simplex', which is the same one that causes cold sores.  Putting fingers to the eyes after touching the mouth when it has a cold sore can cause it.  More rarely, a corneal ulcer is the result of a fungal infection.

    The ulcer sometimes is easily visible as a whitish patch when examined at close range.  The white of the eye is usually reddened.  Sometimes it takes the form of a dendritic ulcer, which is almost invisible and is branching.

    A corneal ulcer should be treated as soon as possible, because it may cause scarring or perforation of the cornea.  Antibiotics are a common type of treatment.

  2. I don't know but if its gets worse you really should go earlier and keep it clean and just be carefull. srry that happened and srry for no better advice.

  3. It is very likely a pinguecula. Usually harmless, but would suggest you make an appt with an ophthalmologist to have it seen and properly diagnosed.  

    You can do a search on it for a description and usual causes.

  4. Only time I've seen anything like that was when I got welders flash.

  5. hmm, not to scare you, but it might be cancer, then again it's prolly something like a callous on your eye. Either way it's totally treatable because you caought whatever it is early. Worse case scenario you have a 20 min surgery to cut outa what shouldnt be there

  6. Stye. The Doctor will give you an ointment to put on it.

  7. It might be pterygium, which is just a buildup of extra cells on the eye - they're pretty common, especially if you're hispanic, and they can be removed by a simple surgery. Your doctor will let you know for sure what it is.

  8. it sound like venigncyst or pynguecula.

    in other words see a doctor. both can be easily removed

  9. no suggestions

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