
Bump on pelvic area? Revised?

by  |  earlier

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II already asked this question once but never got many responses so I decided to try again. have a skin tag like on my pelvic area that is inbetween my genitals and belly button its small and when I shave down there it gets cut off and bleeds bad. But grows back to the same thing. It doesn't hurt and is just there. It has prob been there for about 3 months. Don't know if anyone knows. I am pregnant and heard you can get things like this when pregnant? if anyone knows what it is or how to get rid of it> I don't know if it is a skin tag since it is flat. If anyone can tell me what it is. I go to the doctor next week, just trying to ease my mind.




  1. Don't worry, i actually got two little skin tags in my armpit with my last pregnancy and they are still there, won't go away and i shave and they grow back. Show your doctor though, sometimes they advise to get them cut off permanently but they are not harmful in any way so don't worry, they are just more annoying than anything!!  

  2. Well its nothing related to cancer if thats what your worried about :) Skin tags are very normal and are harmless.....they're more annoying to the person that has them than anything. I have a few of them but they're in places where no one really sees. See a dermatologist if you want to have them removed

  3. Sounds like nothing to worry about.  Just ask your doctor to take a look at it.  No big deal.

  4. Skin tags are harmless and can show up during pregnancy because of the difference in hormones.

    They usually do not go away, and you need to have them permanently removed from a dermatologist if it bothers you that bad.

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