
Bunch of basketball question (answer only by epert or someone who knows basketball very well)?

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ok basketball is my passion right im 15 so i want to get better like really better but im already good but i want to be really good you get the picture anyway I can shoot pretty well inside the arch and i can drive to the basket i can dribble pretty good though but i need to work on my threes i do shoot alot of them but sometimes i can make them and somtimes i cant by the way to picture what my shot looks like its like allen iversons shot and the prblem is everytimes i shoot a three i have to lean back when i shoot but i found out it throws your shot off i guess

how to be a better all around shooter?

how can i have a much quicker first step in basketball?

what are some offensive dribble moves that will just kill the defence

how to make my basketball shot very consistant?

any other tips?






  1. how to be a better all around shooter?

        You need to practice shooting everyday maybe 150 shots a day.

    how can i have a much quicker first step in basketball?

        you need to have a good footsteps, to get that you need to run sideways that's how you get a good footstep and a better quick first step.

    what are some offensive dribble moves that will just kill the defense?

        You need to use some behind the back dribble and a step back dribble, crossover to break their ankles. With that you will break the defense.

    how to make my basketball shot very consistant?

        Just like my answer on no. 1 question. 150 or higher shots a day will make you shot better.


    If you want to be a better three point shooter use more of your knees bend it, that's will make your shot stronger and the probability to make it. And add more spin to the ball. With free throw again use your knees.

  2. I once heard of this thing called practice? It might work, keep shooting and if you have handles and speed almost every dribbling move should work and u should run a mile a day for a faster first step on the court

  3. here is what you are going to do

    start o make as many abdominals as you can for instance if you start at 10 abdominals you're going to add up 1 more everyseven days. that should strengthen your abdomen and help you jump higher.

    when it coms to dribling try to drible with to balls. and if u r right handed drible with the left hand looking upwards

    on a full court run.

    the only way to learn to make your shots and get the touch of your own shot(meaning knowing your arm) shoot at least 500 shots a day. that should help you(i know it's too but it'd help seriously.)

  4. how to be a better all around shooter? Don't fade away alot, it can make your shot into an airball if you dont put alot of power. Just find a form your comfortable with.+ Keep on practicing! i practice like 5 hours just for shooting.

    how can i have a much quicker first step in basketball?

    what are some offensive dribble moves that will just kill the defence? My move are a crossover and pumpfake. If im being Guarded  tightly if just try to cross him over or pump then shoot.

    how to make my basketball shot very consistant? Practice! Shooting doesn't come naturally, you always have to practice to find your rythm or your shot your comfortable in. Then keep practicing that form until you master it. Release your shot over your head and your knees have to be in sync with your shot, so keep practicing, and you'll be a great shooter.

    any other tips? Just practise, practise, practise.

  5. First you got to get your core muscles in top shape. From that you must build up biceps, triceps, and then calves and thighs. After your body is in better physical condition find your hot spots. Shoot 15 times from those EVERYDAY! And always no matter what practice 100 free throws. No joke basketball is work!

  6. Ok im 15 to so i can relate to this because in junior high my shot was horrible but this summer i worked really hard on changing my shot and what i found was i simply not jumping high enough, putting arc on my shot and i shot my arm straight out, forcing me 2 lean back when i shoot. So i worked really hard shooting everyday, not a necessary number of time's i just shot everyday and 2-3 months after i started practicing alot i had a summer b-ball camp and my shot was great you could see major improvement i avg. 10 points higher than my season average. This will also reprogram your muscle's making your shot consistent because your body will be used to moving like that.

    From personal experience the best basketball move's are the simplest, sitting there dribbling off the wall and stuff just make's the defense's jobs easier...focus on your defender if you can see they have slow side-step then you can dribble hard one way and simple do a v-cross dribble to the hard going off there opposite shoulder leaving them behind because they cant keep up...also use that same move if they cant change directions quick...if your looking 2 post up and your facing the basket dribble to the right side post up facing away from the goal, pick up your dribble, make your left foot your pivot foot that doesnt move, make a quick fake step with your right foot towards the goal as if your goin 2 shoot the backspin the other way for a easy 2...

    For a faster step do simple footspeed drills like line jumps(quickly hopping over a line back and forth) then when performing this move make it long step at a short angle, bringing the ball low so no one rips it from you, then brush your shoulder against there's to get them a little off balance and your already fullspeed 2 the hoop while the trying 2 catch up

    Anything else you want 2 know hit me up on yahoo

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