
Bunnies Bunnies and more Bunnies!!! Easy 10 Point Question Bunny Owners and Lovers!!!?

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O.K. My Question is... Which would be a good bunny for what I want in one. The bunnies I'm thinking of are the Mini Rex, Jersey Wooly, Holland Lop, American Fuzzy Lop AND Lionhead. Believe me I'd get all of them if I had the cash$$ But I Don't :( Any Ways I want a bunny that might like to be held, will be affectionate, might like to go on walks, good for first time owner, won't bite and be able to use a litter box if I train him. I will be at school and come home at 2:30. As of then he will be out of the cage 'til 6 P.M. or longer. Please Help!!




  1. I think mini lops are good :D

    that's what i have.

    they seem to live longer too.

  2. this is a good link on bunnies..

    make sure you get one from a breeder or shelter

    NOT a pet store

    typicaly pet store animals come from warehouse breeders they do not get  handled and are less friendly plus when you buy you support this cruel way of raising/breeding animal.. so look at your local shelter or for a breeder

  3. We use to have almost all the different breeds that you have listed. I loved the rex's. They have the softest coats, and tend to be pretty quiet. Also, if you get them as babies then you can raise it to be affectionate, etc.  

  4. Hey! My baby Hollie is hoppi naround my room right now, and she's pretty well litter trained, she licks but nevr bites, she loves to cuddle and be held, but she's a dutch bunny, dutch's generally have a great temper, and are good mannored, all the dutch's I've ver come accross are most definatly fun and something you may want to consider!

    My holland lop was also sweet, and I never litter trained him, but he liked to be held and cuddled! Also mini rexes are sweet, but they have a short attention span, anad don't like to cuddle too long. Last night I held and snuggled with Holliee for about 2 1/2 hours, she never went potty, or bit, or squirmed. My other dutch Copper, was like that too.

    I reccommend a dutch! =)

  5. Go to I work at a rabbit shelter in Michigan. We have all kinds of rabbits.

    Mini rexes are usually sweet. They can have problems with becoming overweight and getting sore hocks though.

    Jersey Woolys are cute, but not as common as others. Their hair is a huge responsibility too.

    Holland lops are very sweet and are typically lap bunnies. They are easier to find too.

    American fuzzies are basically jersey woolies but bigger. I have one and he is very affectionate. Their hair is an extreme amount of work though.

    Lionheads are adorable and very energetic. Their hair doesn't require any work and they are friendly.

    You shouldn't take your bunny outside. Especially not on a leash. I know that there will be people who say that leashes are fine but they scare the bunnies. Also buns can get fleas ticks and parasites outside. Bunnies can die from stuff like this. All bunnies can be litter trained. All the bunnies at my shelter are. You should meet the bunny in person because the bunny's breed doesn't determine their personality . The bunny will NEED to get fixed. Rabbits have an 80% chance of getting cancer if you don't . Thats why getting one from a humane society or shelter is better. Breeder rabbits and pets store buns usually come with a lot of health issues. Again,

    One more thing, Breeders are breeders. Breeders sell to petstores so by getting a petstore bunny or a breeder bunny its the same thing. You can't gaureentee the kind of treatment that a rabbit gets before it meets you. Breeders are bad. Shelter animals are better.

  6. Aw, I have a lop eared rabbit, and I use to walk him in the garden, He loved it, Cant do it anymore though, Have a dog!

    They lovely to be handled (Lop Earred Rabbits) - If you got the opposite s*x though. If your female have a male lopped ear & males - females, Ive never got on with girl rabbits neither has my mum.

    I wouldnt get a dwarf, if you want to walk them they are to small, You can easily lose them or they can get wriggle free.

    As, long as the cage is big enough for a lop earred then it will be okay in a cage all day.

    Hope this helps you, too find your perfect bunny pal!


  7. Temperament really depends on the individual rabbit. But my experience I haven't met an unfriendly American Fuzzy Lop or Lionhead. But for a beginner I would probably rule out the American Fuzzy Lop because of the hair. There are 2 Mini Rex rabbits at my local shelter I am thinking about getting because they are incredibly soft and as sweet as can be.

    Make sure you do lots of research before deciding.!

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