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If you answered to my firest question (thank you to every one) You know what I wanted in a pet...;_ylc=X3oDMTE1a3B1b2IxBF9TAzIxMTU1MDkxMTgEc2VjA2Fuc19ub3QEc2xrA3N1YmplY3Q-;_ylv=3?qid=20080718171733AAjr0PQ

and just to tell every one i asked my mom about a mouse/rat (w/e) and she said no... So... im thinking about a bunny/rabbit. I heard that holland lops were cute and dwarf one were too.

I want something that is small and will stay small. If any one can give me a link that will supply me with information about these rabbits (how big they get, how much they cost, how much thier food costs, if they are friendly with humans, how much energy they have, and just more random info.) If any one could help that wouuld be great! THANKS





  1. Hey Maggie!

    So I'm really excited for you that you are deciding to get a bunny/rabbit! I have a Dwarf Hotot and let me tell you it's the greatest thing i have ever bought.

    *Dwarf Hotot only reach about 3 pounds mine is exactly that

    *You don't need a huge cage

    *They play with everything! it's like a dog they will toss and throw things and then chase it.

    *This type of breed LOVES human attention, ill be sitting on my couch and she will come up and force my hand over her head to scratch her :)

    *Their eyes are amazing! they have like "eyeliner" around their eyes and mine has blue eyes so the blue is really pretty.

    But whatever bunny/rabbit you want to get im sure youll take good care of cause it's not hard taking care of a bunny/rabbit you just need TIME. :)

    Also if you live in the Los Angeles area you take a look at this

    And here is more info on Dwarf Hotot:

  2. Rabbits make for great pets. And they do not smell, if you clean the cage and so on there is almost no smell. But be warned, rabbits are adorable but they take a lot of work. You have to feed them right, and if you want them to roam free you have to potty train them. And unlike hamsters and so on, rabbits NEED excercise. Its bad to leave them in a cage all the time. Rabbits can be friendly with humans, but its all about the personality of the rabbit. I've had rabbits for awhile and they get along great with other animals and people once they settle in. Only downside is most rabbits HATE being picked up and you really shouldn't pick them up anyways. They have weak spines. The upside is there is a lot of rabbit rescue places across the country, you can get a rescue rabbit for very little cost AND it helps out the rabbit community

  3. bunnies

  4. bunnies are VERY hard to take care of

  5. It depends on the place you get it from. The petco I go to I got my rabbit for $50 but I resucued her. The friendliness depends on the previous owner and how you raise it. Food costs about $4 dollars for a 5 lbs. bag and timothy hay cost about $10 for a large bag. That will probably last a month. The energy depends on the amount of sleep it gets and how much it eats. I would look on to find one you want.

    Breed Sugestions:

    -Mini Rex-

    -Dwarf Hotot-

    - English Spot-

    Go to this link to see a picture of my bunny-

        I will tell you about my bunny so you know some more information. She is an adult (about 2 years) and is very playful. She eats about a handful of hard food and 2 big handfuls of timothy hay. She sleeps about 10 hours (eight hrs. when i sleep and a she just rests for a total of two hours).

    Her breed is an english spot rabbit she is about a medium size. She is soo sweet and gives kisses.

                                  -Good Luck!

  6. im 13 and i just got a duch rabbit they are soo sweet and exelant tempuremetts

    here is some care info.

  7. I rescues a rabbit of the streets and had her for 2 years but gave her to 4-h kids Heres what i know about them

    Weight-2-10 pounds my rabbit was 7 pounds

    Dwarfs are most likely cheaper my rabbit was 3 or 4 dollars every other day or every 3 days dwarfs are cheaper.

    They cost 17 dollars at pet stores but if you want dwarf go to a 4-h thing and they sell dwarf alot of the time for around 10 dollars rabbits have quite a bit of energy they love eating clovers  grass carrots parsly and they like sugar cubes. my rabbit would come inside in the winter and outside in fall spring and some summer i walked her every day and she was very happy =]]

  8. Here is the info on mostly everything
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