
Bunnies found in yard?

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my friend found some bunnies underground in her yard she doesnt know how long they have been there

should she bring them in and take care of them or just leave them?

i heard if you go near where they are the mother wont come back is this true?




  1. So long as the baby bunnies are not injured, leave them alone.  The mother knows how to take care of them.

  2. Betsy D is right. Mother rabbits leave their babies on their own during the day in an attempt to distract predators that might take notice of them if they see the mother near them. They feed them at night and the babies mostly sleep during the day. My boyfriend and I found baby rabbits in our backyard and we picked them up all the time. The mother did come back even though we touched them. Just leave them alone. Nature takes care of it's own.

  3. Touch all the bunnies so they smell the same.  Place them back in the nest.  Place 2 light twigs across the nest.  Check it the next day.  Wild rabbits feed their babies at dusk and dawn.  If the twigs are moved the mom is feeding the babies.

    Do not sit outside and wait for mom to appear.  It will never happen.  They are prey animals and not programmed to show predators where they have hidden their babies.

  4. If they are underground the mother is probably still taking care of them. She should definitely leave them alone and not touch them or disturb them.

  5. Leave the rabbits where they are.  Wild rabbits don't stay with their babies during the day, but they come back at night to feed them.  And it is untrue that a mother rabbit won't go near them again, but still don't disturb the nest.

  6. Leave  the  bunnies  alone.

  7. This is not true, the mom knows its there babies and it doesnt matter. If you dont see the mom in fifthteen or so mins. you should/your friend need to take them in because i garrentee an animal WILL get them.

  8. i don'tt think she should bring them in, natural animals are moreaggressivee and will probably destroy the house. I think you should scare them away so they do mess up the yard. Its cruel but i think the bunnies would perfer to be outside
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