
Bunny breeding help(for rabbit breeders only!!!!)?

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so my Rabbit Tuilp is 1yrs and just lost her litter about 6weeks ago and I'm going to breed her again and my other rabbit Buster dose not seem interested in her any more! he is 3 1/2yrs old and i really what her to have anther litter, and instead he mounds her she mounts him! what dose the mean to? plz don't Say don't breed them and get her fix ex.. its my rabbit and i don't what to get her fixed for frickn $250! and i have homes for them to!






  1. I'd say you just a have a doe that is more dominant than your buck.  We have one like that.  She is always ready to breed.  She mounts the buck all the time.  It's just part of the game they play.  Give them a chance.  Don't get lazy and not watch them.  You wouldn't want to miss it and make a mistake on the due date.

    Also, try housing them side by side so they can socialize through the bars and try again in 4 days.  

    Another thing to try is to switch cages for 2 days.  Put the buck in the doe's cage and the doe in the buck's cage.  The scent of the doe should motivate your buck.  Then try again.

    Make sure your buck is not fat.  A overweight buck may be too lazy to do his job.

    You can also leave her in his cage for 3 days (if they don't fight) and mark your calendar from the first day you put her in.  Palpate her on day 10 - 14 or wait the full gestation period.

    I don't think it's his age.  I've heard of bucks being good herd sires for 10 years!

    I think before you try all the stuff listed above, I'd give them a few more chances to figure things out themselves.

    Edit:  Encyclopedia guy needs to read a few more vet studies.  Does that are bred on a regular basis live just as long as does that are spayed.  It is the un-bred, un-spayed does that have a high chance of getting reproductive cancers.

  2. Hi, well it's not a good idea to breed unless you know the following things about your rabbits.

    Are your rabbits purebreeds?

    Are they of show quality?

    Can you trace back their ancestory to their grandparents?

    Is their any abnormalities in their genes?

    What colours do they carry in their genes?

    Do mom and dad have good qualities for their breed?

    She should have a break for a month before you breed her again because you are wearing her out and she will die very young. Two litters a year is enough for any bunny. If you over breed them the mom and babies will be weak and mom could die birthing them. The 80% chance of her getting uterine cancer will go up too.

    A rabbit that has been bred willl definatly die younger then one that is fixed. For now, you should take the male out so mom can recover and make sure she is getting a proper diet and try again next month. She needs to rest for now and rebuild her strength. Good luck!

  3. You need to wait a little bit longer before you breed her again as over-breeding rabbits can cause a whole lot of health problems.

    She is mounting him to tell him that she wants to be mounted. A lot of female rabbits will do this to their hutch companion.

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