
Bunny food!?!?

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i just got an 8 week old bunny and i don't know what food to get her! i need help!




  1. dont feed her too much veggies it will give her diarreah  feed her rabbit pellits and lots and lots of hay.x


    Your rabbit is still young and their systems cannot handle greens until the age of 6 months.

    Do you have a Walmart near you? They have a brand of rabbit pellet from "Small World", it comes in a green bag. This is a plain pellet, and it is actually pretty decent considering that it's a pet brand. The bag is about $3 and will last awhile. I'd suggest getting this.

    You can also top the rabbit pellets with some rolled oats (regular uncooked oatmeal). This is a good treat for young (and old) rabbits and keeps their condition.

    While at Walmart, you can also pick up a small bag of Timothy Hay. Your rabbit should recieved about a handful of Timothy Hay daily to help with digestion.

    Good luck!

  3. you can buy rabbit food at any grocery store.  we also feed ours timothy, which is with the pet foods.  our rabbit likes pumpkin from a can.  it helps clean out fur balls.  then any fresh veggies, except iceberg lettuce and celery.  those 2 aren't good for a rabbit.

  4. my bunny likes bannas but you would have to cut it into pieces and some carrots would be a good thing too

  5. There was a similar question about bunny food just a few days ago except it was more the oppisite. What NOT to feed your bunny. Hope it helps.;...

  6. fresh veggies, until you can get to the pet store and get some bunny chow :)

  7. timothy hay, & fresh veggies.

    i had a baby rabbit, and fed it leafy greens, mostly horse tail weeds, buy since timothy is a smaller type a hay, its pretty good for the young'n.

    a few bucks at petcetera, or any other petstore.

  8. carrots ----- timothy hay ---- rabbit pellets-- walmart has it all

  9. dont give her fresh veg yet, shes too young.  i started mine on regular rabbit mix, but she only ate the pea's so i swapped to selective food (they're all the good stuff mushed together into pellets) and she looooooves it! she's 7 months now and i'm stil feeding her sith the same stuff.  

    you can give her veg at 3 months.

  10. I wouldn't introduce veggies to her diet until she is a little older. When you do so, do it GRADUALLY - giving her lots of vegetables all at once can make her sick.

    For now, since she's so young and still growing, she can have unlimited rabbit pellets and timothy hay. Get plain pellets made from alfalfa hay. Don't get her any seed mixes or foods with added colored crunchy bits. When she's older, you'll need to feed her timothy pellets and start limiting the quantities, but for now she can have as much as she wants. Make sure she always has fresh hay available, as well as plenty of fresh water in a bottle, not a bowl.

    Check out the House Rabbit Society's FAQ on diet:

    Also read around the rest of the site - lots of great info there.

  11. veggies...carrots, lettuce, celery etc.

  12. Read the links dark song gave you.

    Wal mart does not sell quality pet feeds. Don't buy feed from there.

  13. Ask the breeder or store you got her from. If you don't konw what food to get her, you probably have a lot of other unanswered questions as well. I would suggest going back to the breeder or to your vet and figure out every question that you need before doing anything else.

  14. Since you're rabbit is under 6 months old, you want to feed pellets and alfalfa hay.  At six months old, you can gradually switch her to timothy hay and fresh veggies.  The hay and veggies should be 90% of her diet, supplimented by pellets.

  15. do not feed her veggies yet get her some rabbit pellets and some alfalfa hay and an occasional veggie treat but it shouldnt be her whole diet or it could make her sick.

  16. Rabbit Feeding:

    More information on rabbit care:
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