
Bunny help!?

by  |  earlier

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im getting a bunny on wed. or sat. and idk what 2 do!!!! plz help me with the prices and WHAT DO I DO WHEN I GET IT?????? PLZ HELPP!!!!!!




  1. Here is some care info

  2. You'll have to consider this carefully. Rabbits are not low maintenance pets, they need lots of attention. Most people buy rabbits without knowing how much responsibility you must have. That's why rabbits are the 3rd most surrendered pets to animal shelters in the US. But here's what you gotta do: Don't get a bunny from a pet store! Most of these bunnies come from bunny mills which are very bad! Always ask where they get the bunnies. When you first take your pet home leave it with food and water but just leave it alone for the first 2-3 days because they have to settle in. The rabbit's cage should be at least 4 times it's size. Housing is very important, make sure the cage is cleaned every 2 days. Avoid pine shaving bedding and cedar, those can cause respiratory problems. The diet is one of the most important things! Rabbits have weak stomaches and get diarrhea or gas. First of all, you must give your rabbit high quality, fresh, green pellets. Plain pellets are the best because they are healthier. Don't get any fancy ones with seeds and corn because it makes them obese. Read the back of the bag. It should have 16-18% protein and a minimun of 16% fiber. Fiber is essential in a rabbits diet! Timothy hay should be given in unllimited amounts and greens and fruits cannot be given until the age of 6 months old. Carrots and lettuce actually do more harm than good because carrots have too much sugar and lettuce gives them diarrehea.

    But overall your rabbit need tons of love and attention.
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