
Bunny trances harmful?

by  |  earlier

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I just barely found out that I can put Peanut in a trance. Can anyone tell me if this is at all harmful?




  1. It's ok to do if you have to clip her nails, but don't do it unless necessary

  2. hello there

    "trances",as you call it,will not do the rabbit any harm.but rabbits can still feel pain when they are in this position.also,do not do it for a long period of time,blood clogging may occur and the rabbit might die.

    have a nice day!   ☼

  3. NO. It's totally not harmful!

    It's pretty useful!

    I put Brownie into a trance when I'm giving him a check-up!

  4. its fine for a little bit.To calm him down or whatever. but do not do it a lot.

  5. I assume by a "trance" you mean you are setting your rabbit on its back.  This is fine as long as it is for short periods of time.  In fact, this is a part of rabbit showmanship.  Don't do it just for fun, but it makes it very easy to clip their toe nails.  Good luck.
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