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Do you have any event that made dealing with a bureaucracy a very negative experience for you and how it could have been a more positive experience if the bureaucracy had been managed better?




  1. At the Department of Public Safety.

    Need I say more?

    Huge lines... wrong paperwork... wrong desk... start over in line... bad smells... arrogant clerks... bad smells...

    If the bureaucracy had been handled by terrorists it would have been better. Terrorists don't insult you, and they tell you what they want right away.

  2. A common complaint here in the US is the use of HMO's in the health care system.  HMO's require that you have a preferred medical provider, and that all of your care is entrusted to this one person.  If you need specialized care, the preferred provider has to approve it. You have to get a referral, otherwise it will not be paid for.  Unfortunately, having to go through the red tape of getting referrals causes valuable time to be wasted, as the process can be long and drawn out.  Sometimes you don't get the referrals you need, and you have to change your preferred provider in order to get a second opinion.  You basically have to start over from scratch.  This can result in not getting the health care you need in a timely fashion, which is indeed a problem for those who have life-threatening conditions.   There are other problems with HMO's as well, and all of them seem to stem from the fact that this bureaucracy (which was meant to keep health care costs lower for all) has actually caused more problems than it has solved.

  3. a food flash movie by Bozetto

    the difference in bureucracy between Europe and Italy

  4. Bureaucracy in America is the worst form of it. Oh wait, maybe not, Africa might be worst!

  5. I have never had a bad exprerience dealing with my countries bureaucracy. How ever I believe the bureaucracy in the United States needs consolidation to cut spending. There are almost 200 wealthfare programs in the U.S.. I believe consolidation of similar government program would lead to lower spending and more effective spending. Ofcourse this must maintain a system of checks and balances within the bureaucracy.

  6. The US is the beaucracy in Africa.
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