
Burger King or Mcdonalds chips / fries ?

by  |  earlier

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I can't decide, which do you prefer?




  1. McDonald's!!!

  2. Mcdonalds

  3. McDonald's...

  4. burger king hasn't gotten rid of all those bad trans fat yet so i would go with McDonald's or baked chips

  5. Burger King, onion rings.

  6. Neither, I like the furburger!

  7. mcdonalds fies yummy

  8. Micky D's...the fries win me over every time.

  9. Deff mcdonalds

  10. McDonald's fries.... I order them once in a while.

  11. McDonald's Fries are the BEST!!

  12. MCd's fries r great compared 2 Burger Kings.

    I may eat @ MC D's twice a year I have a kiddie meal and hold the soda or pop, depending on where one lives...............

  13. mcdonadls

  14. Burger King

  15. McDonald's French Fries are the best... light and golden.

  16. Micky D's

  17. Hey guess what??? CHOP MEAT!!!  Did you know that in a slaughter house they will put several hundred cows into the meat grinder and you will be eating up to several hundred cows with every bite you take. Thereby increasing your chance of getting mad cow disease. Did you know that the FDA does not have enough meat inspectors and mad cow could have been in that burger you ate last week? Did you know you can have mad cow in your body for up to 10 years before it shows up? Did you know Bush and his many millionaire friends in Texas have a huge vested interest in protecting all their beef investments aka cows? Do you know that a slaughter house company in CA just recalled all their products because they suspected that a mad cow "slipped through the crack" of their bogus beef inspection radar. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! STOP EATING BEEF IN THIS COUNTRY! THE REST OF THE WORLD DOESN'T EVEN ALLOW THE IMPORT OF U.S. BEEF ANYMORE CAUSE THEY KNOW HOW POOR OUR BEEF INSPECTION IS!!! THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT MAD COW BEEF WAS SOLD AT BK OR MAC'S IN THE LAST YEAR!!!!! .....NOW TELL ME WHICH ONE DO YOU LIKE BETTER?????

  18. Im fat so Both

  19. BK

  20. Burger King fries

  21. um their both good

  22. McDonalds fries are wet and soggy Burgerkings fries are great and their burgers!

  23. Mcdonalds fries are much bettewr bacause they are more salty. I think Buger Kings fries are gross.

  24. Burger King.

  25. Neither

  26. mcdonalds.....burger kings is too dry...

  27. burger king b/c they are not as limp and greasy as Mcdonalds.

  28. fries

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