
Burma's regime?

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Do you have an opnion on the regeime in Burma, that has turned many "foreign aid" nationals away because they were not invited and a relief plane of aid which also had "unauthorised " rescuers?




  1. They shouldn't get any aid from us until they apologise for the Burma Railway.

  2. its not called Burma anymore...

  3. I think that humanitarian aid shouldn't be declined of course, that's just ridiculous, but Burma/Myanmar is alot more open than I thought before I visited it. Foreigners are allowed to wander around freely in most places and from what I saw although there was a fair amount of poverty, the locals had a relative amount of freedom to go about their daily business.

  4. Myanmar is a military regime.  They rule by control and fear.  If thousands of foreigners, particularly westerners, gain access to the country/citizens under circumstances when the regime's normal control mechanisms are nonexistent, there could easily be an overthrow of the government.

    I think the deaths from disease are going to be astronomical.  In part because most of the people live in unbelievable poverty that includes poor medical care and poor nutrition.  They are going to be highly susceptible to communicable diseases and more likely to succumb to dehydration and the other threats that follow this sort of disaster.
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