
Burma=Big Trouble. How in the world can this come out OK? What are you willing to do to help?

by  |  earlier

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Can you write a letter? Make a significant contact? Letters to the Editor of your newspaper or your congressional representative? What can we do?




  1. i have lived my life not giving a second thought about burma and i'm not going to start now. it's not my problem and will have no affect on my life. i am not willing to do anything to "help".

  2. WE need to take action, by removing those nutty Generals.


    It's so important we (individuals) don't become dead to the suffering of others. No matter how small or insignificant we feel our efforts, we can make a difference, all our efforts add up Joan, believe it and don't give up.


  4. I wish everyone would let nature take its course

    the strong will survive and they will adapt or die

  5. A great link for ways of helping out in Burma is through can be found on the web-page of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF).  See:

  6. 1. Begin with Prayer (helps to align oneself)

    2. Letter to the editor

    3. Go to local protest (went to one in my home town last night)

    4. Write your federal politicians (Sentators and Congressman)

    5. Post and Blog

    6. Talk to friends family and associates

    7. Print up and pass out informational fliers

    8. Donate or volunteer to related groups

    9. Call Burma and Ragoon not "Myanmar" and "Yangon"

    10. Consider the government illegitimate hostage takers

    11. Save information that is being degrade by sabatuers

    12. Send people link to interesting and relevant information

    13. Create your own utube video

    14. Leave supportive comments where able.

    15. Call for trade sanctions and freezing of leaders assets

    16. Call for the revoking of visas

    17. Call to cease the recognition of mafia like states

    18. Call for and support democratic governments in exile.

    19. Quell the fire within

    20. Never give up; Never lose hope.

    21. End with a prayer of gratitude for one day Burma will be free.

  7. Unfortunately we're weary from a similar situation in Iraq... Is there any other nation willing to act responsibly?

  8. What amazes me is the number of people who naively believe they can make a difference from half a world away.

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