
Burning calories at the gym?

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Today I burnt around 1000 calories at the gym, is that to much?

I'm 18, 171cms and 59kgs




  1. I hope you are going to the gym to tone not to lose weight cos you sound great as you are! Sorry i don't know the answer to your q... :)

  2. It depends on how many calories you consumed,  Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) are a daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women, if you only ate this then you have burned up more than you consumed thus burnt body fat, otherwise if you at more than this ,,,ie 3000, then you have only burnt up the extra calories

  3. it may be too much if you're not eating enough. usually burning around 500kcal a day through exercise is seen as sufficient

  4. no thats not to much depending on the amount you eat if you eat say 1500 calories to burn the fat in the food you should burn1500 calories

  5. your not fat why burn off calories? Your abit skinny btw

  6. you realise that the exercise machines that tell you how many calories you've burnt is a rough estimate, and could be completely wrong! you probably didnt burn that much !

  7. Yep, that's quite a bit, but not to much.

    Considering you'll have a basic metabolic rate of around 1700 calories, thats how much energy your body needs to keep running even without exercise, you probably burnt in excess of 3000 calories today including other bits of exercise and such.

    Thats an awesome effort good job!

  8. For your height, your ideal weight is between 55kg and 67kg.  Based on your parameters, your daily energy needs per day is approximately

    1938 cal.

    Whether 1000 cal is too much depends on whether you have enough calories intake for burning.

    Understanding energy balance is the key to manage weight successfully.

    Calorie intake > Calorie use ==> Weight Gain

    Calorie intake = Calorie use ==> No change in body weight

    Calorie intake < Calorie use ==> Weight loss

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