
Burning feeling in throat when smoking?

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you know that feeling that's like in your throat when you're inhaling weed that makes you wanna cough?

well does that ever go away as you grow more tolerant?

and when a bong "cools" the smoke, does that mean it's making the smoke cold so you dont get that feeling?




  1. sounds like your just starting to smoke, and if you are, yes that feeling will go away as you smoke more. Bongs will cool the smoke some if you just use water, but it'll cool alot if you put ice in with it and the hits will be alot smoother.

    SMOKE ON!!

  2. That burning feeling is a sign that you shouldn't even be smoking it in the first place

  3. put ice cubes in the bong water

  4. with the level of science these days, and all the studies and proof that the human race is given these days, there is still retards like u that don't take heed to anything and still want to kill yourselve! put ur dam cancer stick away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. that feeling does get supressed, although its hard to say that it goes away.  it just has to do with training your lungs and your throat to smoke.  their's a technique to it that you will learn with more smoking.  also, the temperature of the smoke has a lot to do with it.  ie you'll find that that feeling comes very easily if you're using a piece or smokin a j, but that feeling comes very little if you're using a bong, especially with ice.  yes the bong does cool the smoke, and makes it easier to take in.  you'll build up a tolerance to that feeling, it just comes with smoking.

    toke on, buds.

  6. Dumbass?

  7. try a bong. yes that's what it does. putting ice in a bong makes it even better.

  8. yeah, it actually goes away fairly quickly if you smoke often. and thats the point of a bong. it cools the smoke, and you barely feel it, if you even do, when you inhale. good man.

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