
Burning upon entry and inflammation of f******n after s*x?

by  |  earlier

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we're having an issue with intercourse. as soon as i enter my wife I get a burning sensation on my p***s. we've been married for 2 years and over that time have had many issues with her being dry. now that she isn't dry and is able to get wet I feel the burning. Then after s*x the f******n of my p***s is red and puffy and burns. in the past she tore my frenulum so i'm always worried about that too but it doesn't seem to be an issue as much since she has been getting wet again. we had to use estrogen cream and pills to get to the point where she was getting wet enough on her own. the fact that it burns as soon as I enter her (and that it was fine prior to that) makes me worried. we were both virgins when we married so I'm not worried about disease or anything - I just looked forward to s*x and waited until marriage and it hasn't been what I waited for and I'm very frustrated. we both are.




  1. you might be alergic to something in the cream or pills, go to a doc and take them with u to see if it is causeing it

  2. Consider the fact that her  PH  balance is to acidic.

    I have heard this before, from a much more reliable source than Yahoo.  

  3. This is very difficult to answer, and I highly recommend you see a doctor about this.

    I can, however, make a few suggestions.

    I am aware that it is possible for women to have allergies to the protien in sperm - It could be possible you could be having a reaction to her, for some reason? This would explain the redness and the burning sensation, though I'm not sure why.. perhaps a reaction to the pills she has been taking.

    Having done a little research, I have also come up with this- Balanitis could be a possibility.

    What are the main symptoms?

        * The head of your p***s (glans) is inflamed – red, sore and itchy.

        * White or red blotches or lumps may appear.

        * The glans may also look shiny or waxy.

        * In severe cases it may also be swollen.

        * The f******n may become pale and thickened and stick to the glans (known as balanitis xerotica obliterans)..

        * A foul-smelling discharge.

    What's the risk?

    Balanitis is a common condition in uncircumcised men and is usually associated with poor hygiene. It is unusual in circumcised men.

    What causes it?

        * Poor personal hygiene

        * Thrush (candida): a milder form of balanitis is caused by an allergy to thrush in a woman's v****a.

        * Psoriasis: this skin disease can occur on the p***s without you having it anywhere else. On the glans it looks red and shiny, while elsewhere it is usually white and scaly.

        * Irritation: balanitis can sometimes be caused by sensitivity to perfumes in soaps and detergents.

        * Bacterial infection: streptococcal bacteria in a woman's v****a can be transmitted during sexual intercourse.

        * Rough handling: strenuous sexual activity, particularly masturbation, can make the p***s sore and prone to infection.

        * Allergy: some men are allergic to rubber, spermicides, deodorants and topical medications (those applied to the skin).

        * Medication: some drugs, such as penicillin, can cause balanitis.

        * Diabetes.

    Below I have added the website with this information as a source. This seems like the most likely of the issues on there, but if you have other symptoms you should look into it.

    Sorry this could not be of more help - but again I feel you should consult your doctor about this.

    Good luck.

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