
Burton Lexa vs. Burton Stiletto bindings?

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I'm having a difficult time choosing between Burton's Lexa or Stiletto bindings... Both seem really cool...

I'm looking for bindings that are VERY soft, comfortable, durable, & have good response...

I freestyle but I also LOVE speed...

I would greatly apprecitae it if you could list the pros and cons of each binding...and the Burton binding that you would recommend :]

Also, does anyone have Stilettos or Lexas?? I would also aprreciate your input!!





  1. I have lexas.

    I love them. I'm very much into park though.

  2. if you want comfort and support forget burton get the ride Dva's my girlfriend just got them and she wont stop talking about them. i big plus with those are the metal heel cups and ratchet system then ride specializes it

  3. haha i was questioning this exact same thing last season. I bought stilettos and then ended up returning them for the lexas. overall more comfort and are very durable. i looove them!! hah good luck!

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