
Burton hail vs dc judge?

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which one should i get/.?

which better?




  1. neither. go for 32's most of them are relatively cheap and theres a special feature on them where if you go to your local snowboard shop you can get them heat fitted so they form perfectly to your feet. they're much better than DC's and burton everything is just way way overpriced

  2. Burton Hail. DC boots look great but they are usually a little too big for most bindings, as theyre quite chunky. Burton boots have alot of support and are comfortable on and off the mountain. Definitely the Burtons but if your going to invest in some good boots, id recommend Burton Freestyles, I got them just before Christmas and theyre awesome! But anyway..

    Burtons NOT DCs.

  3. Dc Judge.  Burton boots arent all that great.  I would actally look for a pair of last years boots on sale and save yourself the dough. I picked up a pair of forum kickers for 100 bucks and they are sick, like walking on pillows. Like on the way home from the mountain I would usually losen my boots but last years forum kickers are like sneakers.   But as far as hail VS judge, I would go with the judge...   But BOA sucks..  Its a toss up dude, I wouldnt get either. Id go with forum or 32...

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