
Bus Station to Airport in Guadaljara?

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Im arriving in Gualdalajara from Queretaro by bus (either the ETN line, or Omnibus but both are at the same station) and want to go to the airport, what is the easiest and/or cheapest way to get there?




  1. The easies , of course would be to take a cab.  Its a 18km ride south and should still be not more than $20usd.

    The cheapest is a little more complicated and you would have to make your way by "Urbanos: to El verde or even better the el Zapote by colectivo.

    Best advice, if your vacation is at its end and you can afford the $20.00----Taxi

  2. I think you will have to take a taxi.  Go to the taxi counter INSIDE the bus terminal and pay there.  athey give you a ticket to take out to the taxi lineup...use ONLY one of these taxis.  They are approved and safe...and you have prepaid.  When you buy your bus ticket, you could ask if any of the buses go directly to the  airport, instead of to the bus some places they do.  I checked ETN website, but it does not say.

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