
Bus from Verona to Venice?

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I plan on seeing an opera in verona on the 25th of July, it starts at 9:15 pm, the latest train is at 10:43 and that won't give me enough time, the bus schedules are not online, do you think a bus will leave that late?




  1. There isn't a bus. You'll need a car to get back to Venice after the opera at the Arena.

    I have a similar problem. I live on the train line about an hour south of Verona, but the last train leaves before the opera ends. I have to either drive, take a taxi (over 100 euro), or stay in Verona overnight. Sometimes I choose to take option D and catch the night train to Munich, spend a day there and then catch the night train back the next evening. This works out well when they're having a sale on a berth in a cuchette.

    If I stay overnight in Verona, I like the Hotel Verona which is just two blocks from the Arena.

  2. Not sure. You may have to stay the night in Verona and leave early the next morning as there are some early trains ( eg 5.30am) you can get if you are in a hurry.

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