
Bus route from Dublin airport to Mondello park?

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this will be my first trip to the Emerald Isle, can anyone tell me if there is a bus from Dublin airport to Mondello Park and if so how long does it take

Ta very much




  1. your best bet would be to book a taxi at the airport, you would be sure of getting there... just go to the main desk and they will call one for you or go outside there will be some there. make sure your trip is metered or arrange a price before you leave with the best though to have it metered, all our taxis now have info cards in the on the charges.

    enjoy the way bring wellies cause if it rains it get really mucky.

  2. Mondello Park is located near the village of Carragh in Co. Kildare. There is no direct bus and it is not easy to get there by public transport. The quickest way from the aiport is to get the 747 bus to Dublin's O'Connell Street (about 40 mins, more in rush hour), from there take a Tallght-bound Luas to Heuston Station (about 15 mins), take an Arrow train to Sallins station (30 mins) and book a taxi from there to Mondello (about 8k/5 miles - suspect you'll pay 12-16 euro). GoIreland have taxi details for Sallins/Naas:

    To summarize I think you're looking at 2 - 2.5 hours on a good day! Perhaps there's a business opportunity for someone to organize minibus trips from the airport to the course on race days? Good luck.

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