
Busboy Tips at Logan's, Roadhouse Grill, Outback Steakhouse, etc.??

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I am currently working as a QSS (sort of a combination of a busboy and server) at my local Ruby Tuesday in the Jackson, MS metro area and generally get around $50 tipout for a 6 or 7 hour shift (plus my $2.13 per hour pay). I've been looking at possibly changing restaurants to try and make more pay, as I feel that Ruby Tuesday is more of an entry-level casual dining place.

I was wondering if anyone had a clue about the amount of nightly tip money that might be possible for a busboy at a place like Outback Steakhouse, Logan's Roadhouse or the Roadhouse Grill? I really would like to improve my pay and I feel that these places generally offer the opportunity to make more money but would love to get some feedback, if I could.




  1. Sorry that Shanna has no knowledge of the food service industry.  $50 tipout for a busboy is a good tipout per shift.  You only make as much as servers.  

    If you are over 18 you need to just serve, but keep in mind you tip out to everyone, not only buspeople.  Bar, host, bussers, food runners, etc.

    Some servers go home with only $50 some nights or less or all equals out.  Try serving and see how it goes, if you do a great job you will make good money. I always made excellent money serving...some nights at Outback I walked out with more than $250 after a general rule I walked with $150 and up everynight, except extremeley slow nights.

  2. wow... It saddens me to notice people do not understand the restaurant experience starts with the hostess, continues with the server, then the kitchen back of house, food runners, server assistants/bus boys, and bar tenders work hand in hand to make sure your experience wherever it may be, to be smooth comforting and enjoyable. So when you tip your server, remember you are tipping the full experience.  Most of the time, 1% of the servers' sales is the amount they tip to their bus boy, hostess and bartender.  Sometimes 10% of their bev/alcohol sales is what they tip out to the bar.   A servers' pay check at 2.13 an hour minus the tax they claim on their tips ends up to be roughly 50 to 80 dollars a pay check. I've had pay checks that were 13 dollars.  So keep in mind, servers' rely mainly on their tips and at the end of their shift they usually tip out 21 dollars if they sold 700 dollars in food, which is average per server, 7$ to each assisting source. 7 to bar 7 to S/A and 7 to host. Sometime 2 dollars to the silverware roller.  If you think to yourself, why don't they just reasonably pay their employees?  Think again. Instead of paying 14.99 for that steak, imagine paying 32.99 for that steak.  And with servers' it is hit and miss, some days they will walk out with a 150 dollars, but that makes up for the 6 dollars they made that previous Monday morning when they only had 3 tables and one of the tables stiffed them...

  3. My son was a server at Steak and Ale while he was in college.  According to him, busboys are usually not tipped directly by the patrons, but instead receive a percentage of the tips that they receive.

  4. Like Shanna I didn't know about tipping  bus boys? So what's next tipping the Cook..? The food delivery guy? Dang i need to stay at home!

  5. What? I have never heard of tipping a bus boy... Server of course.. I think you just need to find a whole different type of job... Good Luck.

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