
Buses Without Seatbelts?

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im writing an essay on whether seatbelts on buses are a good idea and whether we should have the for school buses. please send me information and links to websites, thanks :)




  1. Its a government conspiracy to keep our population from growing to much.  They cant outright kill children so they just create a situation wherein if a school bus gets in a accident then many children will die.

  2. Compartmentalization, a concept seen frequently on commercial airplanes, involves seating passengers in rows of padded seats with cushioned backs.

    The belief is that during frontal or rear impact, the most common types of wrecks involving school buses, passengers would either be pushed back into their seats or thrown forward into the padded backs of the row ahead.

    The use of seat belts might require stiffer seats, which would negate the theory of compartmentalization. It is also feared that some students would receive internal injuries from seat belts through a process called submarining, the tendency for a body to slide downwards during impact.

    Seat belts on school buses may also hamper rescue or evacuation efforts, as adults or older students may have to spend precious minutes unbuckling young or disoriented passengers.

    Unruly students could also use the heavy buckles as makeshift weapons, creating even more of a safety hazard.

    There is also the argument that seat belts would only protect passengers of school buses during unusual events such as roll-overs or flips, not other possible accidents such as fires or submersion.

    Considering the expense of retrofitting current school buses or replacing entire fleets with approved seat belt systems, the benefits of seat belt use do not currently outweigh the liabilities.

    One problem many school systems face with the prospect of mandatory seat belt use on school buses is compliance.

    The bus driver already has a significant amount of responsibility, so schools would have to hire additional monitors to ride on all the school buses. In light of sexual misconduct concerns, both male and female monitors would have to be hired in order to avoid any allegations of impropriety.

    Besides the added expense of hiring qualified monitors, there would also be a question of liability if even one student removed his or her seat belt and became injured as a result.

    New national data show school bus-related accidents send 17,000 U.S. children to emergency rooms each year, more than double the number in previous estimates that only included crashes.

    Nearly one-fourth of the accidents occur when children are boarding or leaving school buses, while crashes account for 42 percent, the new research shows.

  3. turn your mommy hormones off.

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