
Bush's new "Time Horizon" for leaving Iraq? Is he using this new term because you can never reach the horizon?

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hence he never plans to leave Iraq?




  1. Exactly!

  2. I know that made me laugh!!  

  3. Yep, Bush won't ever say anything else.  Can't abandon the oil there, ya know.  After a certain point, I won't blame the Iraqi's for opening fire on U.S. soldiers.  After all, it is their country.  I would open fire on any one trying to occupy mine.  It's too bad that our soldiers have to be the victims of this while the war-mongering fat cats in Washington continue to be the real problem.

  4. There is more involved in these political decisions than you or I am qualified to understand.It will happen when it is done, and we should think about other things. Let the government govern, and the military serve as is their duty.

  5. thank gawd for term limits  in january Bush is going to get in his Escalade and go to Texas and we will all be very relieved!

  6. is there any other way to read it......

    just more lies.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jon Stewart used the same joke on The Daily Show about two weeks ago.

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  8. He is an expert in double talk, and thinks people are too dumb to get it. So you just busted him,congratulations. Although I pray his horizon will end and Obama's begins. Thus we could get the troops out.

  9. He is just stalling until it is someone else's problem.

  10. bush is using the term "horizon" because he thinks it sounds pretty, even though he doesn't actually know what it means. Like when he used the term "ob gyn" during a speech without actually knowing what an "ob gyn" does!

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