
Bush Lied about war! What should happen to him?

by Guest60941  |  earlier

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If the President of America is caught lieing to Citizens, Congress,Senate,costing over 4,000 troops lives/Casualties, and countless Iraqee deaths does President pay for his crime!The proof is coming out! Slowly but surely!




  1. He didn't lie. He went by existing intelligence, and ALL OF THE MAJOR DEMOCRATS AGREED there were WMD's.

    Why do I get the feeling you also believe in abortive murder, while complaining about Iraqi tragedies? Is this true?

  2. Yeah, well, you will die waiting for that "proof", Kid.  Pull your head out.  No one lied.  It isn't that simple - and the nuances beyond your comprehension apparently..  

  3. Bush has said he would gladly sacrifice his popularity in favor of doing what's best to defend America.  What's best is seldom popular.  Freedom was achieved in blood, and is preserved in blood.  You never stop fighting for it.  Once you stop, you've lost it.  

  4. I've got news for you. All the presidents have lied about the reasons we have gone to war since the Civil War.

  5. We knew he was a lying sack of c**p 15 years ago.

    His punishment should be every citizen gets to kick him in the balls

  6. Unfortunately, The US can't do anything to him anymore.

    The Congress and Senate already tried to pass this impeachment on to this president.  Our Democratic Senate Majority Leader and speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed not to let any further impeachment acts (related to previous alleged crimes) go anywhere.  This came at a price to let other legislation pass.  

    BTW, he may not have lied but he sure did make decisions on information even he second guessed--for selfish reasons I might add.

    @ Tim below, you're the typical right wing soldier who voted yourself a pay raise every four years.  You think Bush is a hero because he took us to IRAQ?  IRAQ is quantifiably a lose-lose situation as evidenced by two steps forward, three steps back planning and execution.  AFG was a have-must situation properly proportional (the best we can) to the acts of terror (I know we can't blow up buildings to kill thousands) on our nation.  With what you know now about BUSH, for you support a man that loses poll after poll of support shows your lack of basic comprehension of current world events and just plain old common sense.  Shoot, sounds like Bush to me :)

    I'm retired Army too and fail to see how you can conclude thoughts like that.

    BTW, if all you can do is bash the thread starter, you confirm your narrow minded thinking.  Pointing out the obvious doesn't make you a hero.  The kid is only exercising his rights to freedom of speech and we're questioning how American he is...

  7. Bush should be prosecuted

  8. He will be judged for his actions. Humans may exonerate him, but we all have to answer to our Maker one day.

  9. Sadam also lied. Expect he killed his own

  10. Well, if a private citizen had done that it would be considered high treason.

    What is the punishment for that, again?

  11. You  are an Idiot. Congress gave Bush permission to use force against Iraq. Should they all be called Liars too?

    Grow up, Punk. Just because the UN did nothing about Saddam (or Darfur or Somalia) does not make Bush a Liar. It makes him a hero.

    He took the fight to the Terrorists and is winning,

    How many 9/11s do you want?

    I seriously hope you don't call yourself an American.

  12. Something should be done but nothing will be. This country has changed a lot and not for the good. We should not be the ones who go around attacking small third world countries that we already have in a strangle hold (which reminds me of cuba, we keep our heavy foot on her throat and then point out how bad the place is plus that idiot JFK almost started a world war over something as ridiculous as a few soviet missiles there). The problem is you (not I for I do not participate in this sham democracy and I am guessing that you, probably a democrat type, do). You keep electing people that should not be president. People whose only interest is being president (clinton, reagan, bush, etc) and not who have the interest of the people of this country as their priority. Don't fool yourself if you are thinking of obama, he is just another politican cut from the same rotten fabric as the rest of them (although, mind you, he is many orders of magnitude better than some self-serving, ego-centric piece of work like hillary clinton).

    But back to bush. He should be in the Hague awaiting trial for waging agressive war. But since he is not, just think of what this and many other illegalities, etc tell you about the nuremburg trials after world war II. Just suppose, as far fetched as this is, that saddam had won, Bush would have been the one dangling on the end of a rope. He should be there now but, alas, justice seldom prevails when you are dealing with people who are in power in a still militarily powerful state.

  13. Okay, you need to do some serious reading before you start accusations. From the level of your literacy, I can tell you haven't.

    I'm not necessarily a Bush supporter myself, but you gotta learn the facts!

    =/ I'm afraid of what's going to happen during this coming election because of things like this that innocent (or maybe ignorant) young people listen to and believe...

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