
Bush/McCain. The left says there the same. Prove it. Don't just talk about it prove it.?

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Show a quanitive break down where John McCain voted 95 % for Bush.

You can't do it. He may have voted the Republican agenda. But not

Bush per-say. Your daily attempt to paint both with the same brush,

is as weak as the head of your ticket. (Me Obama Good-Him McCain

Bad). That plays real well to a nine yr old. No one who actually pays

taxes, the nations bills. Is buying into it. So here is your opportunity

to prove your statements. Show were Bush and McCain are joined at

the Hip. And your trying to use Iraq will fall flat. McCain has tested

Bush more than any dem in the Senate on this war and its management. So doors open, walk on in or shut the h**l up.




  1. Ya so what he sided with Bush 95% of the time SO?   Bush was right about his policies at least 80% of the time id say.  So thats 15% to the wrong, and thats still a higher rating then the Democratically controlled congress at 11% that attmepted to block his every move.

  2. They mimic what they hear and there is no proof.  Just the same old story stating McCain sides with Bush 95% of the time, yet there is nowhere that it is shown.

    If the policy was right, I agree, what is wrong with it?  As I recall, McCain was at odds with the president a great deal of the time.


  3. Some of the idiots who say McCain voted with Bush 95% of the time forget, not all Bush's bills were bad. They didnt mind getting tax money refunded from Bush. His rating soared after 9/11 because of the way he handled the situation and set up homeland security. No one is giving Bush any credit because we have not had another 9/11. How about the patriot act and other programs Bush started. His program to combat world aids and continuing efforts with Israel. They hate the war in Iraq and call it senseless and give no credit for freeing Iraq from a tyrannical dictator who brutalized his own prople. And the recent removal of 555 metric tons of yellowcake uranium that was hidden by Saddam and recently removed from Iraq. Saddam wanted to obliterate the US with germ warfare. Many of the bills that McCain supported by Bush were good Bills, and if Obama would have kept his finger off the "present" button and knew what he was doing, he may have voted with Bush on many issues too.

  4. Chief, you know that most of the libs on here don't even know how to research their statements. They can get to the Obama site and quote from there. But that's the best they can do. What the site fails to tell them is that 90% of the time Congress votes together and sometimes it just happens to be a bill Bush is in favor of.. But then the Democrats vote with the Republicans also. Congress votes together 90% of the time. If they didn't nothing would ever get accomplished because they would never agree on anything. Of course now Obama doesn't count since he rarely votes ya or nay he mostly says 'present' and we all know that is a non-vote. And when he does vote it is for a holiday or to name/rename a post office, very important stuff, you know.

    Besides, at this point in the game, the Libs are desperately grasping at straws because, they know Obama is toast. He no longer dominates the news and is having a tough time trying to figure out how to counter McCain's very wise choice of VP.  

  5. You are absolutely right!  

  6. Can't be done. And agreed. The fact that that both Bush and Mccain are Republican would mean, naturally, they will agree on things. If they didn't Mccain would be a dem.  

  7. The line OBAMA good McCain Bad, Hits them right in the running

    lights. thats all they got. The sky is falling, the sky is falling is all

    the democrats will ever have. They liken a republican janitor to Bush

    not because they hate the Janitor, Its because they hate Bush.

    They are petty group of malcontents. Being driven my Move on .org

    and George Soros. the worlds richest communist. And he is the

    chain puller of the new democratic party. Socialist and new age

    communist. With the non experienced one as his champion.

    Pathetic and as small as it is. Obama could become dangerous.

    But only to his own party.  

  8. Let the real Republicans take their party back and don't fall for n**i Propaganda tactics.  This nation will never survive.

    Clean up your attitude and become a Patriot again.  Listen carefully to Obama's last speech.  Everything is outlined and will answer your question

  9. Dems can't prove anything. Dems just talk. They call it "Obama style".

  10. Many hard-core Republicans feel that McCain is not conservative enough.  There are lists published that give the differences in Bush and McCain. Very long lists.  If people give percentages of votes, they should list what the actual bills were.  Many of our problems have been caused by the Democrats who are in the majority in the Senate and the House.  And that is not even mentioning Nancy Pelosi, which has nothing at all to do with McCain being 4 more years of what we have had.

  11. McCain has voted with Bush 95% of the time and agrees with his positions.......I'd pretty much say they are the same.

    edit: According to Congressional Quarterly's Voting Studies, in 2007 McCain voted in line with the president's position 95 percent of the time – the highest percentage rate for McCain since Bush took office – and voted in line with his party 90 percent of the time.

  12. Me hears the crickets!  Do you too?

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