
Bush + Obama = Change...... next is Ron Paul?

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I am a republican and believe strongly in a small government.

This maybe a turning point in our American history.

Bush has one of the the lowest approval rating of any president and I voted twice for him.

Obama is the most liberal candidate we have seen and promises many handouts

McCain although I feel is different than Bush in many ways he still believes in a bigger government than I care for.

So I have decided whoever wins may be the last Democrat or Republican elected for some time. Maybe after 4 more years of the same regardless which one wins we will wake up and really vote for change in 2012 and vote for a candidate with different views like Ron Paul. Please let me know if you agree or disagree and why. The why is the most important please only informed answers!




  1. How small do you want government, non-existant?

    Democrats = socialistic communism.

    Republicans = small federal government, they believe people can deal with their own problems.

    People dealing with their own problems?

    NO WAY!

  2. Thanks to Ron Paul, the seed of revolution has been planted.  It is up to us to nurture it and change the thinking of the younger generation and enlighten them on the ills of big government.  

  3. Nope people will follow their Republicratic ideology to the grave.  No matter how corrupt the Republicratic duopoly gets.  Can you say stubborn?

  4. I agree, Ron Paul has started a trend and there are many Ron Paul Republicans running for Congress, State, and local governments. BJ Lawson is one of many who won the primaries with a 70 percent vote for North Carolina's 4th District.

  5. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me  

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