
Bush administration killing endangered species?

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Has anyone seen the ads telling how the Bush administration wants to kill 600 wolves in Wyoming and Idaho? These animals are on the endangered list. There are only 1300 wolves in these areas and he wants half of them dead! What is with this jerk, is he just fixed on killing things whether human or animal? Go to www.calloff the to see more info on this mindless morons escapades.




  1. If d**k Cheney's hunting ability is any indication of the Bush administration's hunting prowess I'd say Republicans will soon be on the endangered list!   ;-)

  2. He's already endangering so many people over sea, what does he care about animals???

  3. Pure Bull. Anyone that believes this dribble is sick

  4. I don't anticipate anyone will be eating wolf meat - I doubt any of the hunters are korean. This is just so a bunch of stupid rednecks can get their kicks killing off intelligent defenseless animals. Farmers need simply get a dog to keep wolves away from their livestock.

  5. This is exactly the reason wolves were terminated from the lower states in the last 100 years.  Wolves were just reintroduced into Yellowstone and if they cross the boundaries, they are liable to get shot by farmers and hunters regardless of the endangered laws.  It truly is sad that we live in a world of such senseless brutality.  Bush has never cared about the environment or its inhabitants, sadly it would not surprise me that he would do something like this.....if it is true I have no idea.

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