
Bush and Cheney have FAILED our Country?

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  1. Bush, Cheney, Lieberman, and McCain should all be sent to live in Venezuela.

    They all BLOW - do U hear me???

    THEY BLOW !!!!!!

  2. I'm more angry at Congress, that is where the problem lies. A President and his cabinet can only go so far and then its up to congress to act.

  3. Yes, see the book by Vincent Bugliosi, the prosecutor of Charles Manson: "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder". Also see the book, "The GOP-Hater's Handbook" by Jack Huberman.

    I will say one thing on their behalf: every President, every Congress, every Supreme Court Justice in my entire life HAVE FAILED OUR COUNTRY!

  4. Short answer: Yes.

  5. I would say the majority of voters have failed this country since they keep re electing the same corrupt POLITICIANS IN.

  6. They did what the PNAC wanted them to do with help from the media and a lot of ignorant single issue, (hot button) voters.

  7. I totally agree with you one hundred annd ten percent. It is truly going to take a miracle to turn things around!

  8. I keep hearing people complain about bush and cheney.what have they done to fail our country and when did they do we hear gas and oil prices are the fault of bush how congress controls the ability to drill for oil on U.S. soil and controls the ability to build refineries yet bush is to the war this should have ended by now but you have a political party along with their allies the media proclaim every day that the war is lost that U.S. soldiers are murders they torture people they demand enemy combatants be give constitutional rights rights U.S. soldiers will not get when they are captured and the Geneva convention states non uniformed national soldiers are not protected by the rules of war but liberals seem to over look that rule but are more than happy to allow said soldier to torture and kill a soldier protected by the Geneva convention now the economy is being drag down by oil and what do we get from congress we need to conserve,we need alternative fuels,we need smaller cars,we need to follow the euro trash what ever liberals will be the end of a free world.

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