
Bush berates China'a human rights record on the same day that Osama Bin Ladens former driver is tried....

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0 LIKES UnLike contravention of American law.

Is that somebody's idea of a joke?




  1. Bush, whom I like to refer to as  Curious G (after the Clueless George series of books by Pat Bagley), is a joke. And since he supports Guantanamo Bay, showed total disregard for the UN, defied the nations of the world (and many, many of his own people) in invading Iraq, and basically cut his country's nose to spite their face..yeah , not surprised by this at all. Oh yeah , and capitalized on one of the worst moments in US history..and abused the love and support showed around the world...

    Is it a joke? Absolutely. Is it funny? Not in the least.

    China's human rights record is deplorable; Tibet (annihilation of a culture, religion, a whole people) , Tienanmen Square, their systematic suprression of freedom of expression,general opression of people, death penalty abuse, unlawful detentions,use of torture...speaks for itself.

    That said, if he's a war criminal it doesn't contradict US law to my knowledge. But  I would prefer to see an open trial, as would AI, ACLU, and most of the world.

  2. What part of MILITARY TRIBUNAL is the most challenging to you?

    China treats its CITIZENS like criminals, where as the poor defenseless incarcerated WAR CRIMINALS you're are so concerned with are being treated a whole lot better than the INTERNATIONAL LAW has decreed.

    According to international law non-uniformed combatants CAN be executed WHEN Discovered. No trial is needed.

    SO the JOKE is being perpetrated by YOU...

    Reminds me of the old Song..."Cry me a river..."

  3. i agree its a bit strange...


    what the fuc has it got to do with America ,it cant look after it's own then it starts on somefucer else.Did China involve itself in The land that's up it's own erse (USA)No it did not so Bush sit down,shut up and GTF

  5. Uuuuhhhh... Goatboy...apparently you don't know the difference between civilian and military law. There is no contravention.

  6. As long as the US are running Guantanamo Bay and flying people to other countries for interrogation/torture then I don't think it's in a position to criticize other countries human rights records.

  7. There is no contravention if you understand.

    Bush just said China should release political detainees who had connection with al Qaida. Then, CIA can sent them somewhere in Europe or in Gitmo.

  8. you are comparing oranges to apples.

  9. Your question is flawed

    Trying Osama's driver by military court martial is not against US law it was done to n**i and Japanese war criminals at the end of WW2

    The only difference was that after that war the US didn't have liberals who were more concerned with the rights of war criminals than the safety of the US

  10. ^^^ no he isn't, he's comparing like with like, if you can't see that you are blind ^^^

    China's human rights record speaks for itself, no need to get a hypocritical meglomaniac monkey to comment in my opinion. I agree it is all a farse but please I emplore people NOT TO IGNORE THE HUMAN RIGHTS (or lack thereof) RECORD OF CHINA just to discuss bush's latest f*ck up.

  11. it is a conundrum is it not?  The pot calling the kettle black,

  12. If  China's human rights issue is such an important issue that upsets so many Americans, why don't we boycott all their products that are sold in Walmart, Target, Sears, .... almost everywhere and make them in USA. That should save our economy.  Why no body is doing it ?

  13. Bush can't keep his trap shut because he probably thinks that "Jesus" told him to say all that.  

  14. No its not a joke, Bush is serious about china behaviour and the driver should get his deed.

  15. I really don't see what one has to do with the other.  And why would it be against the law?

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