
Bush chides Beijing over rights

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US President George W Bush has expressed "deep concerns" over China's human rights record in a speech on the eve of the Beijing Olympics.

"The US believes the people of China deserve the fundamental liberty that is the natural right of all human beings," he said in the Thai capital Bangkok.

Now this makes me really mad because if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is. What about the human rights of the people held at Guantanamo Bay and the human rights of people transported in the so called 'ghost planes'? Are human rights only human rights we you say they're human rights and when it suits your definition of human rights, because if so then what makes the US any different from China?




  1. The trouble with GWB is this:

    he is the premier statesman for one of the most powerful countries in the world, yet he appears to not be able to join the dots.

  2. If men are judged by their actions, and the amount of pain and harm that those actions cause for others, then George Bush is one of the worst living humans. He has no right to judge anyone, or to accuse others of abuses, when his country is the one that keeps the rest of the world down, creates the consumer "needs" that waste our resources, and is one of the world's worst arms dealers.

    I have already answered many questions on here with regards to this man and what he represents. It is such a shame that he is only one of many superior minded American leaders. They raise their children to believe in the "land of the free" and the "home of the ", yet they do not respect other nations laws, or theor citizens rights. Guantanamo Bay is a blot on the history of the USA, and will never be the right way to deal with the problems they face. They need to address why it is that their enemies resent them and wish to hurt them, and then change their policies and ways in order to not earn and deserve the resentment of the world.

    The fact that Bush is such an arrogant self righteous liar doesn't make the Chinese right either though. I have been monitoring their abuses of freedom and rights in the run up to the Olympic, and it is sad to see their people still live in fear of their leaders. I have the idea that they are as indoctrinated as the Americans in believing that their way is the best.

    I wish people would realise that there are no winners in wars, except for those who build the instruments of war. Maybe the UN could pass a law that anyone who builds weapons must be at the front line whenever they are used. Then those nations who don't like that law could simply ignore it, as they currently do!

    Nothing seems to change, and I think an intellectual revolution of pacifists is needed, which needs to be a majority of the world's peoples working together. As this seems unlikely, perhaps we can simply wait for the total destruction of the planet, with Bush at the forefront of the Armageddon Army, and the Chinese marching alongside him.

    Take care...

  3. Are you saying the innocent, murdered people of China are equivalent to the criminals/terrorists held at Guatanamo Bay? Yes, we're all human but come on.

    Bush really can't win with you guys can he? If he says what he did he's hypocritical and if he doesn't he's an "uncaring American".

    Be prepared as your country is systematically being taken over by Muslims. Maybe you should worry about that before the US.

  4. It kinda beggars belief that G.W can stand up and deliver that speech.

    Anyone that barefaced is probably less than personally virtuous.


  5. Guantanamo - say no more.

  6. Yes, that's quite hypocritical when Americans are losing more and more of their rights and liberties on a regular basis these days...

  7. The words pot calling kettle black come to mind!

  8. No! it's completely different.

    China still executes people detains them in secret camps without trial and tortures them, whereas the US ... oh, yeah.

  9. This quote sums up America.

    "Do as i say not as i do"

  10. he'd do better cleaning his own house.

  11. Pity Bush didn't consider the rights of the Iraqi and Afghan people when he led his country and others into two wars a few years ago. Their lives have been destroyed either by death or severe injuries. Their livelihoods have been taken away, ancient sites bombed and for what? greed, non existant WMDs that were fabricated to justify a genocide of innocent people. Everyone has human rights but there's hypocrisy and there's hypocrisy. How can Bush criticize China when he does a lot of bad things across the world himself? Look at the state of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and Bush knocks other countries, two-faced, I think so. Humane? That's one open to debate.

  12. what a hypocrite , he should check on his own backyard is it any wonder that the USA is hated around the world always preaching to other countries , how to run their internal affairs

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