
Bush glycerine 10pts best?

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I asked this question a while back and only got one answer. a good answer, but only one. Just wondering what others might think. what is the story behind the song? What does glycerine represent? any other comments will be welcomed. thanks




  1. well, glycerine is clear- it tastes nasty, and it is something you put on your hands and body to keep them soft. Perhaps glycerine represents something clear, unnoticed.. or something that is taken for granted. From the rest of the lyrics, i would assume that it represents something/someone that is taken for granted...  

  2. Glycerine, aka glycerin or glycerol, is a sweet, syrupy fluid but can be explosive, comparable to perhaps a woman gavin rossdale used to know?  I just think of it as a lovesong, or maybe a song about a love lost.  The tense of the lyrics seems to be in the present at the beginning but in the past tense at the end, so who can tell?

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