
Bush help out as much as he could on Katrina, where was McCain?

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Bush help out as much as he could on Katrina, where was McCain?




  1. "Bush help out as much as he could on Katrina..."

    He did?

    "where was McCain?"

  2. Where was the other 99 Senators? are lying.  

    McCain did not call Hagee.  Hagee endorsed McCain.  McCain was not his spiritual leader.  McCain had not attended and financially supported his church for over 20 years, and the instant he heard about Hagee's pathetic comments, he renounced the endorsement.

    Contrast this to Obama who after 20+ years of attendance and financially supporting the radical racist church, Obama first tries to claim that he did not know.   Then he tries to claim it is a small part, and distance himself from that part of the teaching, but not the man, and only threw the hateful racist pig of a preacher under the bus after Wright threw Obama under the bus.  Your lies do not do your cause justice.  America saw and recognized the difference.

  3. A Senator and not his responsibility.............Nice rant though

  4. McCain was at a party....however, Bush could have done far more...along with every other person in any leadership the federal and state government.

    "When the hurricane first struck, he was celebrating his birthday with President Bush in Arizona. In the days that followed, he urged Congress to make sacrifices to help the recovery effort. But he also expressed concern about going overboard and burdening "future generations of Americans" with "the highest deficit, probably, in the history of this country."

    McCain's first post-hurricane visit to the region was in March 2006...nearly a year after the storm hit."

  5. Too busy relieving his arthritis.

  6. I believe he was in Arizona or Washington where he should have been.

  7. It wasn't Senator McCain's responsibility.

  8. WHERE as the govorner and mayor of the state? They were funded money to fix the levies and didn't do it.  

  9. McCain is a senator from Arizona, moron. Where was he? Probably in Arizona like Schwartznegger was in California, etc. What do you want him to do, send some sunshine from Phoenix?? God... They let ANYBODY on here! Does your mommy know you're associating with intelligent life forms on the internet??

  10. McCain was having birthday cake with Bush when Katrina was drowning New Orleans.  McCain also called Rev Hagee a great spiritual leader and advisor for his campaign, you know, the Rev that said New Orleans got what it deserved for being a sinful city.

  11. Like all other Republicans, McCain was too busy telling us what a great job Bush, Brownie, and himself were doing to actually accomplish anything productive.  

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