
Bush is going to sell weapons to Middle East?

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I read on a European forum today that George W Bush will sell weapons to some Middle East countries for 20 billion of dollars.

I've never heard that rumor before, is there such a rumor? If there is, (do you think) is this true?




  1. CONGRESS, not the president, has been selling weapons to our middle eastern allies for decades.

    If congress doesn't want it to happen, it won't.

    I really don't see a problem with it considering we have to get our oil from there.  And the one thing that needs to be protected in the interests of the world's economy, is the production and shipping of oil.

    Like it or not, that is the truth.

  2. Anything that helps arabs kill each other; should be applauded.

  3. We have always sold weapons to the middle east. Saudi Arabia flies F-15's Israeli has several U.S. made weapons. Egypt and Jordan also have U.S. made weapons. This is not new or news. It has been this way before Bush and will be this way after Bush.

  4. Our government has sold weapons to other countries for many many years. Almost since our inception. So, if it is true, and I haven't read anything about it yet, then it would help to know what country was actually getting them.

    I would be hard pressed to find one president in the past 100 years that had not aided some country somewhere with weapons, man power,technology, etc.

    So, if it happens, it isn't another nail in the President's coffin unless you want to go back to all the other presidents that have done it too.

  5. America doesn't "sell" weapons to Middle Eastern countries, we give them away. It's called "Foriegn Aid" every year they get X billions in foriegn comes in the form of credits that they can use to buy weapons from American manufacturers. They choose the weapons, and when they are shipped the U.S. Treasury cuts a check to the manufacturers. The money never leaves the U.S.A., only the guns and bombs.

  6. Iraq is already getting a bunch and Israel is always on the short list the Saudi Arab is part of the Bush family so they get what ever they want. So yeah no real shocker.

    What you might like to see is this.

    Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent, by declaring indefinite state of war

  7. Hey! Lockheed & Northrop gotta make money, too, ya know.

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