
Bush lied a lot to get in to office. Is there any reason we should believe McCain?

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Bush told us he was against nation building and getting into wars without an exit strategy and among other things he was a fiscal conservative.

McCain has already flip flopped on a number of big issues. Can we rely on what he is saying now? Especially since he has made a big deal about experience and then picks a VP that could be the poster child for inexperience in the areas where it counts.




  1. have you ever lied?

  2. NO.

  3. Yes, McCain is not Bush and Hussein-Obama is the champion of lies, as we can observe in this link:

  4. There is no reason we should ever believe a politician ...the more experience the more crooked . generally speaking of course .

  5. If Palin is the poster child for inexperience, then what are Baraks "community organizing" skills to you?

    Go back to school and get an education, Palin HAS experience, Barak has NONE! that's a undisputable fact.

    Like they said about Barak, the Presidency isn't for on the job training.

  6. my question is if gore and Kerry went to Vietnam and didn't get caught  but did not get elected then why vote for someone dumb enough to get caught and not smart enough to escape as a pow what makes him commander in chief,? much less his vice president?

  7. Just because two people have similar political opinions, it does not mean that they are the same person.  

  8. Nobody is going to tell the truth 100% of their life.

    Obama hasn't either.

    When he talked with the pastor at Saddleback church he told him that his most gut-wrenching decision he ever made while in the Senate was voting yes to the war in Iraq.

    The Iraqi war started in 2003.

    He was voted into the Senate in 2004.

    And in case you haven't noticed Obama has a way of answering questions without actually answering them. 130 times he's answered a yes or no question without a yes or no.

    It's just stereotypical to think that McCain is going to be another Bush. After all, old white men are all the same right?


  9. Don't you think she's a poster child for Abstinence Only?  That it doesn't work, I mean.  And thats what she wants kids taught in school.  Kids who get Abstinence Only training have the highest rates of VD, AIDS, and unwanted pregnancy, but thats what she wants kids to be taught.  

  10. McCain's campaign ads are primarily intended to deceive the viewer. Obama's tax plan would be better for a majority of Americans than McCain's, yet he tries to give the viewer the impression that Obama would raise taxes. McCain voted against raising fuel efficiency standards in 2003 and 2005 yet he tried to lay the blame for high fuel costs on Obama in one ad.

    McCain clearly cannot be trusted and his ads prove he is more interested in deceiving the voters than educating them.

  11. McCain recently said, he backed Bush 90% of the time, now he never mentions it. Lies by omission. He's not as stupid as Bush is, I hope, but after his pick for Vice President, I have to wonder. He won't be getting my vote.

  12. Bush = McCain

    If McSame gets elected the whole country is F'd in the A.

  13. McCain is voting for Obama. He's putting on a nice show to "convince" the republicans hes really trying :)

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