
Bush said that russian violence in asia is unacceptable--how about american violence in iraq?

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Bush said that russian violence in asia is unacceptable--how about american violence in iraq?




  1. muslim blood is most cheap campared to anyone else!

  2. LOL....I think he calls it a peace-keeping mission i Iraq.

  3. aww your chubby

  4. Bush is a hypocrite. and a f'in r****d

  5. I thought the same thing why are Iraqi civilians worth any less than Georgian ones how hypocritcal.  

  6. Bush is a ******* r****d.

  7. that's unacceptable too.

  8. I bet he said that from China,the country he condemned for human rights and all he can thing about there is looking at athletes boodies...  

  9. because america not only murders, but also tries to make it acceptable by media propaganda.

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