
Bush should get credit for the great job during Gustav shouldn't he?

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The gulf coast Republican governors should also get much credit for a job well done. Thanks...




  1. I think all levels of government - federal, state, and local did a good job preparing their jurisdictions for Gustav. Job well done all around, and yes, including George Bush.

  2. President Bush needs credit for all the good he has done in office.

    Trying to fix all bill and pillarys s***w ups and then 911. Katrina, the housing crunch, the wild fires ect. ect. ect.

    Of course the trouble making liberals want to make him out to be a terrible president. ................ But did you hear any of them complain about the 2 tax cuts????? HAHAHAHAHAH! just goes to show how greedy they are. They will take a Republicans money then turn and stab them in the back

    McCain 08!

  3. Yeah. Bush should get a big cake. As big as the birthday cake he gave to McCain in 2005, when he was partying as Katrina hit New Orleans.

  4. Thanks....

    ....Gustav for interrupting the RNC and not the DNC.

  5. Oh so you mean he is capable of learning something? So sad he revealed this at the end of his time in office.

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