
Bush signed off on the execution of a rapist killer from the army today?

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This was a federal deal and the first one in many years. He will not be executed for some time because of our lame court system. Do you think a president Obama will pardon this animal?




  1. its about time, i wish we did the same to crooked cops

  2. Seems to me President Clinton or even the First President Bush should have signed that order!  Lets hope Obama won't be placed in a postion to have the authority to issue that pardon!  

    That being said, the death penalty is a JOKE when performed 20 years after the fact. 5 appeals and five years, MAX....then publicly do the deed, otherwise, abolish it.

  3. hes black so yes obama will pardon him.

  4. Bush would have had him executed if he was mentally challenged like he did when he was the Texas governor.

  5. That's unusual for Bush.  He usually gets a grin out of executions.

  6. I suggest impalement as a method of executing people who rape and murder women or children. I know it is probably too good for them, but it is the worst thing I can think of to do such an vicious monster.

    Good for Bush.

  7. Yes he did (OUTSTANDING!).

    However, I do believe Obama, if in the unlikely event he were to win the election, would change the sentence to life in prison.  LIP is cruel and unusual punishment but what concern could that be to Obama as it will make his liberal base easier to live with.

  8. No Obama won't, but Bush might just before he goes.  Like the people from Abu Ghraib, convicted of carrying out neo-con policy as spelt out by Rumsfeld shortly after you entered Afghanistan.

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