
Bush warns Russia to pull back in Georgia. So what exactly is Bush going to do?

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Send troops to Georgia to fight against Russia? I doubt that's gonna happen. Impose sanctions against Russia? Talk is one thing. Action is a very different story.




  1. Russia knows Bush is a coward.

  2. We'll refuse to buy their oil until they agree to our demands.

    They may die laughing.  

  3. Send supplies and mercenaries there. I heard there was a couple black guys there found already.

  4. At this point there is very little he can do unless he can convince a few other powerful nations to get behind him. Right now the U.S. is not in a position to instruct anyone in conflicts.

  5. nothing sadly.............this is an ally who put their troop in Iraq to support us.

  6. when was the last time you picked up something and it had "made in russia" on it? russia was a broken down country at it's height. any pressure on russia would hurt them.

  7. putin and bush playing fireworks poker at the Games of symbolism in the fkorida bowl of Rome

  8. You better hope we don't go to war with Russia.  Don't get me wrong, it won't be like Iraq.  We would know who our enemies are and what their wearing.  It would be a conventional war with a defined enemy and goal, but it would be as deadly as WWII.  There would be a draft, and yes you would serve.  Anyone who would refuse to defend democracy against a government who has wanted to destroy our way of life for over 100 years is nothing but a coward.  The communists, and russia is just a small step from returning to communism, hate democracy and capitalism, kind of like Barrack Obama.  I hope this can be settled diplomatically, but I've always known that the next really big war would involve a socialist russia. This is kind of like how WWI began, and amazingly similar to how WWII began.

  9. Bush is going to do nothing.  He's all talk and no action.  

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