
Bushman Kalahari charity, help stop the genocide in Botswana?

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I have donated to help these people, will you spread the word too? Do we not need to be more aware of the plight of the Khoi San peoples, the oldest peoples in the world?




  1. I have sent this to all my contacts over there and I have put it up on my Facebook. Monday I plan to see who is the Member of our Parliament who is most likely to speak out for the Bushman from here and I will be writing him/her as well as to the SA Embassy in Ottawa. If you know of anything else I can do from this side of the world, let me know.

    And Emjay - you really do have a heart! Ha! I knew it!! :o)

  2. yes, and the genocide in Sudan that has been called by the U.N. "the world's worst humanitarian crisis today" and has left behind over 800,000 corpses (and the numbers are still climbing) (many say it's only around 400,000 but this was the death toll in 2001 and last I checked, when a genocide is ongoing the death toll doesnt stand still, especially not for seven years!) and the humanitarian crisis in Uganda, and the civil wars in Zimbabwe and the rouge government in Myanmar. But good luck getting people to care. I've been trying for seven years, people are just to absorbed with their celebrity gossip and new technology to care about genocides and rouge governments.

    p.s. Don't get me wrong, just because people don't care doesn't mean I'm giving up this fight anytime soon. Awareness is important and so is pressure on the government and the public to do somthing about it.

  3. Thanks, chief.....I've just done it......

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