
Business Ethics - Overlooked for a position and asked to train the new employee.?

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I recently applied for a division-specific technical manager position at my current place of business. I did not get the job despite having almost ten years experience at the company and within this specialized division.

I accept that I did not get the promotion because I lacked a degree in a particular field that was wanted for the position. However, I have now been asked to train the person hired from outside the company to do the job that I and others felt I was more qualified to perform.

Is it unethical for my company to ask me to train this individual on the 80% of the job about which they have no knowledge? Should I take the moral high ground and do the training? Or should I turn my back and let management train their new employee without my help?




  1. I think it's highly unethical!  It sounds like you need to re-access your life and, with your experience and knowledge, consider going business for yourself.  Do you really want to be a "division-specific technical manager" anyway?  That sounds like such a boring life and a horribly bland way to exist.  I think you should take a vacation and  figure out a new direction for yourself.  The fact that companies do this to people makes me sick.  Dog Eat Dog World, I guess, but I think we can live and work in a manner that allows us to mature.  You need a place that will give you endless direction and challenge you to become more.

  2. this situation sucks and is all too common. i wouldn't say it is "unethical" but it is sh*tty. I understand your first impulse is to tell them to go f...(well. you know lol ;), but resist the urge-you have invested a lot of time there and don't want to look like a poor sport. Train the guy, train him right and prove that you are not only a class act, but put the company's needs ahead of your own feelings.

    The new guy, if he is decent, will appreciate and respect it, and who knows, he may be able to help you out in the future.

    don't throw awy 10 years cause your pride was hurt-if you are good, it will be noticed eventually and you will get your just rewards.

    on your next review, make sure this is noted, and continue looking and asking for promotions-and keep proving you deserve them.

  3. Welcome to the real world.  What you do depends on how much you want to keep your job.  Turning your back and refusing to do it is asking to be fired.

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