
Business Wise, Is the WWE really going downhill?

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Everyone is constantly going on and on about how WWE ain't what it used to be blah blah. It will never be the (overrated) Attitude Era.

But, IMO WWE, ever since the Attitude Era has grown bigger and bigger, and has become even more successful than it once was. I know it's not as popular as it once was or will be again.

WHY? Back when WWF was getting 6-8 point ratings for RAW, people just got cable and that's all they got. Nowadays, RAW gets 2.5-4 point ratings. WHY? Because everyone's got new satellite dishes, and theyre are too many good reality television shows out there. So for primetime RAW is among the highest rated today.

I know it's a weird question, but I'm looking for opinions.

What are your takes on this? any opinions are greatly appreciated. (except trolls lmao)




  1. well its doing good as a business stand point but the entertainment is horrible the only good show in wwe is sd raw is garbage im tired of seeing batista in the main event always! they need randy orton and they need new and better matches but wwe is doing very good with the business 2003 2002 2004 were awesome years in wwe

  2. they realese too many people

  3. Business wise it has a monopoly on the video market since it brought out nearly all of its competition.  WWE can basically print its own currency from the video vault.  Want a best of Sting....guess what WWE owns the WCW video footage.  Television ratings mean nothing now that merchandising is where the actual profit is just advertisement for the WWE brand.  Its never going out of business unless the company does something stupid like produce movies with Khali as the main star.

  4. No, just creative wise.

  5. I agree with you. Although I think the lackluster writing in the last year or so is a huge factor.

    WWE was great in 2003. They had Angle,Rhino,Eddie,Benoit,Shelton and other great talents all on SD. Not to mention a great Cruiser division with Tajiri,Kid Kash,Billy Kidman,Ultimo Dragon and Rey Mysterio.

  6. Back then we didn't have any sites that contain spoilers that people open to see whats going to happen before the show. It has been going down the drain recently since Wrestlemania 21.

  7. Do you think wrestling is about how many the promotions are getting?

    We do know how WWE is better financially and commercially now but who cares how much moey they have I only care about the quality not quantity.

    And for your information WWE's more successful year is between 1999 and 2000(Attitude Era) they got a 64 million or something like that.

    So stop telling that WWE is better than it is today because I don't care how much WWE got I care about the action and entertainment value.

  8. Buisness wise no.

    But even Freddie Prinze J.r. Can't Save it

    Like i said

    Mr. McMahon is getting old and he needs to step down  

  9. I see what you're saying and you've gotten it mixed up.  You were saying WWE used to be popular and get more ratings.  That means that CREATIVELY, WWE is going downhill.  Business wise they're doing great.  They;ve got WWE Studios (use to be WWE Films), WWE music, WWE Kids, Merchandise, Political representation, and all of that stuff.  They are going hill creatively because they're doing what's right for business.  But now that WWE's product of 2002-2007 has been exposed to the public, people aren't going to just turn around and start watching the product again.  As of now, I think they are getting more creative.  They're trying new stuff and taking advantage of the all-star roster they have on RAW.  I realize though, that the Attitude  Era can not be revived.  Also I just read you additional details, and I would say that WWE is getting more money because of the reasons I listed above.  So in closing, business is going up, while creativity has been going down.   And just to tie into creativity, booking of matches has also been lackluster.  PEACE.

  10. Good question, you have some valid points from "us" fans point of view.

    In reality from a business stand point, No the company is doing quite well. The last 2 years the company has made great strides in the international markets. Just take a look at the stock

    I think all fans should buy at least one share, I own 5 myself.

    Its not like you would make any real money on a couple of shares, but you get a signed letter by Linda McMahon and a stock certificate that you can frame.

  11. The leadership of the WWE knows how to explore new methods to try to keep the product fresh. As it relates to the business aspect, the WWE is certainly staying afloat.

    The substance of the product is, however, not as good as it once was. Many of the matches and outcomes have become more predictable. Many of the events are not as much of a surprise. And since no new powerhouse Superstars have been created recently, there is really nothing new to draw in a new crowd.

    Business-wise, they are merely trying to keep their base. But, it seems like they are offering less and less. Therefore, there will inevitably be a point in time where it begins to tumble in the ratings and start to lose its power on a larger scale.

  12. Businesswise, all pro wrestling has gone downhill (not just WWE). wrestling has had it's shares of ups and downs over the years. The reason is that a lot of the fans that were watching during the Attitude Era (the casual marks, not the long time fans) are into MMA now, or they are watching TNA instead of WWE.

  13. Very true.

    Buisness wise it is doing good as it has ever been. The main target is the kids. The attract more kis to watch so they buy all merchandises and wwe knows they will stick with wrestling. They have more PPV. every few weeks its a new PPV.

    More PPV= more money.

    It is not as entertaing as it used to be i got to say that. When was the last time you saw something awesome in wwe? Lomg time ago. It seems they like to keep it boring matches.

    Buisenss wise- profit

    entertainment wise- boring

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