
Business career? good or bad choice?

by Guest60631  |  earlier

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well i would either like to study business like economy finance and international business. my moms like noo because the economy is so bad u wont do well in that career path. i want to know ur opinion thanxx




  1. I believe that even in a bad economy people still need financial advice.  There will always be someone who will need you specialty.  However, is that your passion?  If not, then go for what you really love.  Good luck and remember to do what you want b/c you are the one who will have to wake up and go to work each day.  

  2. What career path?  Both of those degrees are very very vague.  You could get thousands of different jobs with those degrees.

    What does the economy have to do with it?  Jobs will still exist when the economy is bad.

  3. business majors can do pretty well despite the economy because of the broad nature of the field and the thousands of careers that it can lead to. International business will grow as western companies expand into China and other new markets. If you pursue that, learn at least one foreign language, pregerable some form of Chinese, although it is a difficult language.

  4. Business is always a good option, no matter how the economy goes.

  5. get your mba and youll get a nice paycheck

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