
Business dilemma, can anyone help?

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I am interested in statring a chocolate factory in New Zealand and I need a couple of hundred mini people to work for me there. I will let them live in the factory instead of paying them. Is there such a work force of mini people available there or can I rent or buy mini people in the area? What is the going rate for a healthy mini person still capable of reproducing? Thanks in advance for your help!




  1. ill work for you

  2. since they all work at the brothel in New Zealand maybe u can import them from Greenland they have a variety and some with green hair.

  3. i am not too terribly short but i will work for chocolate, room and

  4. I don't have a clue BUT if I walk on my knees can I work for you????? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese I so love chocolate

  5. Have you tried the cave at the end of the rainbow??? you should ahve smoe luck there...I've been looking for a good investment partner have your peeps call my peeps and we can talk

  6. Try the bottom of the south island, they have lots of little people with not much work on.  

    You will have to get used to their funny accents though.

  7. I think you just described Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

  8. You search will begin in Ireland...

    ...and end in someone's bowl sack...

    ...where all the "wee" little fellas' are...

    Hope this helped... and God Bless

  9. i am sadly freakishly tall but there's not much i won't do for chocolate.

  10. I can give you up some of my midgets...for a price...

  11. All of New Zealand's mini-people work at Marla's Bed and Brothel.  They are in a union and get excellent benefits.  You're going to have a tough time getting them to leave.

  12. Perhaps you could just dress up little monkeys instead.

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