
Business law... about contracts.?

by Guest65191  |  earlier

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what do u mean by "QUASI CONTRACTS"??? please give me a example...




  1. Some tacit terms of commitment, not explicitly in print, but arising as spin-off's of the main contract or agreement, are the quasi-contract, in essence! Recall the famous Shakespearian lawyer, Portia's stipulation thrown at Shylock, about only flesh and flesh alone, and not a drop of blood! The citizen's charter that you owe to the society at large around you, and the code of conduct connected with that, is a quasi-contract! Not quite a contract, but, yes, a contract; that is quasi contract!

  2. An obligation created by law for reasons of justice and fairness.  If you take your car to a mechanic to repair your brakes and it is also necessary to repair the axle for the brakes to work, you must pay for the axle repair because it is reasonable and necessary and you will benefit from it.

  3. This is exactly where I sued the DMV for contract fraud..

    There is so much I could expand on this issue.. Uhm, well:

    No actual contract exists between a sovereign individual and the state, thus the proposition that a quasi-contract exists between the Sovereign Man and the State.

    A quasi-contract is an obligation springing from voluntary and lawful acts of parties in the absence of any agreement. See: Bouvier's Law Dictionary.

    In order to establish the existence of a quasi-contractual obligation it must be shown:

    That the defendant has received a benefit from the plaintiff.

    That the retention of the benefit by the defendant is inequitable. See: Woodward Quasi Contracts 9.

    Thus, if it is contended that the Sovereign Individual must obey the statutes in the union of States' Statutes because of a quasi-contract, it must be shown that this Sovereign Individual has received a benefit from the State.

  4. Quasi means partly or half.

    There are no such contacts. It may be a scam. Do not sign anything unless it's been verified by someone assiting you (like a lawyer).

  5. QUASI-CONTRACT - A term used in the civil law. A quasi-contract is the act of a person, permitted by law, by which he obligates himself towards another, or by which another binds himself to him, without any agreement between them.

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