
Business owners: anyone out there regret starting their own business? Would anyone prefer to be an employee?

by Guest57649  |  earlier

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If so, why so?




  1. Sure, there are times when you wonder why you started your business, but I'd never go back to being an employee.  I have the freedom to make decisions about the way the business is going and I get the credit for when it goes well.  (I also have to take it on the chin when things don't work out as planned but provided you can be flexible it's no big deal.)

    To be involved again in petty office politics, to get no greater reward however well you do or hard you work is my worst nightmare.

  2. yes and a no.

    yes as its long hours

    but NO cos, it much more rewarding, in the fact that i control my own destiny and not led around like a lab rat.  

  3. h**l at least then i can go home at 5pm.

  4. You start your own business because you feel you are free to make your own decisions. Wrong !!. Too much red tape, inspections by various government snoopers, utility bills higher than domestic, VAT, almost a quarter of your money goes to the government. endless form filling, you have to pay an Accountant, pay money to the government for PAYE, staff don't turn up, staff steal from the till, maternity pay, no holidays because you can't trust anyone to run your business and if a small business very little profit.

    To be employed - a fixed wage each month and holiday pay.No worries.

  5. If you plan a consultant-ency business to assist and advise do not take a retainer, or an advance and the work for free. Do the right thing work out a fee for each commision based on time taken and expertise. then you can give an estimate for the job before taking it on. Likewise your client can see the cost before engaging you.

  6. The only reason I would want to be an employee is to get a steady paycheck, as opposed to hit and miss sales in my own business.  Other than that, I would not trade my business for a back to the grind time schedule of being an employee.  Being self employed, you come and go and work when and where you want.  Not to mention not having a boss breathing down my neck, trying to squeeze more work for less pay out of me.

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